Author: Dean (Dough Your Own Way)

In contrast to my beer pizza dough previously posted, planning is the key to this recipe being a success. You need to start the dough making process at least a day in advance, if you have 2 days then that’s even better.Don’t be put off by the duration and don’t mistake the long process as a complicated process, it’s not. It’s a pretty simple recipe involving just 2 stages – the poolish and the final dough.With a bit of patience and manual labour, you’ll reap the rewards with a great tasting pizza with a fantastic texture. It will be thin,…

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If you’re looking for a recipe you can rely on for a spontaneous pizza night, this is it. You can kick off making the dough late morning and be ready to bake in the evening.It took some experimenting but after a couple of months of owning my pizza oven, I had finally crafted a recipe which I felt comfortable with and one which remained simple, but so tasty.After unsuccessfully trying practically every “quick and easy” pizza dough recipe online in hope that it was possible to take some shortcuts, I soon found out that this just led to subpar pizzas…

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I have such fond memories of shortbread as a child visiting my Granny – memories that have continued on as tradition to this day. The only difference is over the years there has been an increase in the flavour offerings available in shops, so we have gone from simple and plain shortbread fingers to what is now one of my favourites, all butter sultana shortbread. After playing around with different butter and flour ratios, I’ve now got the recipe to place I’m really happy with. And the family are delighted too, we have to keep them out of sight of my…

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